1 June 2010


Hoje é um dia muito importante, reservado a às crianças.
Associamos, as mais das vezes de uma forma quase intuitiva, o dia da criança a "quero um presente", não podíamos estar mais enganados...é muitíssimo mais.

Fiquei a saber, desconhecia por completo, que este dia é "originário" da Turquia.

«Official discourse in Turkey argues that Children's Day had its origin in Turkey. The Grand National Assembly of Turkey was established on 1920, April 23, and to commemorate the event, April 23 was proclaimed a national holiday in 1921. Since 1927 it has also become Children's Day (Turkish: Çocuk Bayramı), an official holiday dedicated to the children of Turkey and the world. The day is celebrated annually in Turkey with spectacular activities.
This national day (23 April National Sovereignty and Children's Day) is a unique event. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, dedicated April 23 to the children of the country to emphasize that they are the future of the new nation and entrusted in their hands the protection of this sovereignty and independence.
Every year, the children in Turkey celebrate this "Sovereignty and Children's Day" as a national holiday. (...)
Over the last two decades, the Turkish officials have been working hard to internationalize this important day. Their efforts resulted in large number of world states' sending groups of children to Turkey to participate in the above stated festivities. During their stay in Turkey, the foreign children are housed in Turkish homes which provides opportunities for cultural exchange for all participants. They also participate in the GNA special session which results to be a truly "International Assembly", where children pledge their commitment to international peace and brotherhood.» (@ wikipedia).

E fiquei também a saber que há o dia internacional da criança e o dia universal da criança, este último criado pelas Nações Unidas, pela resolução 836 (IX) de 1954.

«836 (IX). Universal Children’s Day
The General Assembly
Considering that the obligations of the United Nations to succeeding generations can only be fulfilled by increased efforts on behalf of the children of the world, who are the citizens of tomorrow and that the world-wide observance of a children’s day would contribute to human solidarity and co-operation between nations,
Believing that the objectives of the Charter can best be realized if they inspired and are shared by the children of the world,
Recalling  the increased interest  in the work  of and the support given in the United Nations Children’s Fund and its acceptance as an integral part of the United Nations, and that various resolutions relating to children adopted by the General Assembly have shown the Organization’s concern for children in all parts of the world,
Considering the increasing attention given by States and peoples to a better observance of the rights of mothers and children, as well as the action of civic, social, professional and cultural institutions, national, international and regional, on behalf of children,
Expressing its appreciation of the work done by governmental and voluntary organizations for the children of the world, including the observance in a certain number of countries of a Universal Children’s Day, 
Considering that the observance of Universal Children’s Day should be used for a concrete and effective expression of the support of Governments for the purposes of UNICEF,
1. Recommends that, with effect form, 1956, a Universal Children’s Day shall be instituted by all countries, to be observed as a day of world-wide fraternity and understanding between children and of activity devoted to the promotion of the ideals and objectives of the Charter and the welfare of the children of the world, and to the strengthening and broadening of the efforts made by the United Nations in favour and on behalf of all the children in the world;
2. Suggests to the Governments of all Sates that Universal Children’s Day be observed on the date in the way which each considers appropriate;
3. Also invites the cultural, professional, trade union workers’ and social welfare organizations, for men and women, to support and co-operate actively in the observance of Universal Children’s Day;
4. Requests the Executive Board of the United Nations Children’s Fund, in co-operation with the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organizations, to take steps in accordance with the present resolution and to include in its annual reports a report on progress achieved in accordance with the above recommendations.

512th plenary meeting,
14 December 1954.»

São mais que muitos os movimentos pelas crianças, são mais do que muitas as iniciativas - às mais diversas escalas - que procuram promover a protecção e bem estar das crianças.
A fome, a guerra, os maus tratos, a pedofilia são temas incessantemente abordados... Como é sequer imaginável que crianças passem fome? Como é sequer imaginável que não se protejam, em palcos de guerra, as crianças? Como é sequer imaginável que se maltratem as crianças? Violência, com o ser mais inocente do mundo, como?
As mais da vezes as crianças nem sabem porque lhes acontece o que lhes está a acontecer e a quem caberia dar-lhes tal explicação também não a tem! Claro que não tem! Não se explica porque não há motivo para tamanhas atrocidades.
Custa-me a compreender que, com a quantidade de recursos que há no mundo, crianças passem fome, vivam na mais perfeita e pura das misérias.

Se cada um de nós ajudar fará diferença! Não podemos encostar-nos só porque não vemos a diferença, porque ajudamos hoje, mas amanhã, 'aquela' criança poderá não receber a ajuda de que necessita. Porque ainda que hoje denunciemos a violência, "provavelmente" não adiantará... FAZ DIFERENÇA! ADIANTA SIM!

Como diz o nosso fantástico Fernando Pessoa "o melhor do mundo são as crianças". Façamos todos e cada um de nós alguma coisa pelo que de melhor há no mundo!

1 comment:

Madalena said...

Flores, música, o luar, e o sol, que peca
Só quando, em vez de criar, seca.

E porque é que o nosso dia da criança é dia 1 de Junho? e não dia 23 de abril?