30 October 2009


A minha mãe relembrou-me de um facto que, não sei muito bem como, havia "esquecido", pelo menos no que respeita à dimensão.
No Ruanda foram assassinadas mais de 500.000 pessoas! - há quem fale em 1 milhão de mortes (o que representa aproximadamente 20% da população!!).
A estratégia de colocar os Hutus contra os Tutsis funcionou na perfeição e o extermínio - que começou pelos próprios Hutus que não eram a favor da limpeza étnica - irrompeu.
E a Europa? E os Estados Unidos? E o Mundo? O que fizeram enquanto eram brutalmente assassinadas mais de 500.000 pessoas? Tenho-os como cúmplices, por negligência. Afinal, a condenação de Desire Munyaneza não tem o valor que ingenuamente atribuí. Claro que a culpa do "mundo" não exclui a dele, nem a sua exclui a do "mundo", porém não deixam de mais ou menos "saírem impunes" alguns dos "culpados", sem prejuízo de ser de louvar que "um" (entre outros que também o foram) tenha sido julgado e, porque culpado, condenado. 
O link do site "Human Rights Watch" é bastante elucidativo:
Por vezes uma imagem vale mais do que infinitas palavras...não foi fácil optar pelas várias que se descobrem na Internet...procurei uma imagem "esclarecedora" de entre as que consigo ver...

Source: google
Um excerto de um texto tão simples e tão 'completo':
"On April 6 1994 the plane carrying Rwanda's president was shot down, almost certainly the work of an extremist. This was the trigger needed for the Hutus' planned 'Final Solution' to go into operation. The Tutsis were accused of killing the president, and Hutu civilians were told, by radio and word of mouth, that it was their duty to wipe the Tutsis out. First, though, moderate Hutus who weren't anti-Tutsi should be killed. So should Tutsi wives or husbands. Genocide began." 
@ http://www.ppu.org.uk/genocide/g_rwanda.html

À medida que vou aprofundando conhecimentos vou ficando cada vez mais espantada e chocada tanto com a crueldade como com a 'passividade' com que aquela é vista e com a consequente inacção. 
Não deixo de ter esperança que a Europa e o resto do Mundo não esqueçam o passado e, ainda que o seja sempre num 'futuro', façam jus à memória dos que morreram.

29 October 2009

'Life sentence for Rwandan convicted of war crime'

It was about time....I read that during the trial he laughed...don’t know how he had the nerves to do it. 
It really doesn’t matter...he has been convicted and sentenced, the victims (latu sensu) can now feel some kind of relief, and so can we - even though we can see ourselves has victims...since it is a crime against humanity.

Source: BBC NEWS
«MONTREAL — A Rwandan man who was the first person convicted under a law allowing people in Canada to be tried for war crimes committed abroad has been sentenced to life in prison.
Desire Munyaneza, 42, was found guilty in May of seven charges, including genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes for his role in the 1994 rape and slaughter of at least 500,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda. He will not be eligible for parole for 25 years.
"The accused, an educated man from a privileged background, chose to kill, rape and pillage in the name of his ethnic group's supremacy," Justice Andre Denis said as he issued the sentence. "The sentence I am imposing is severe because the law considers the crimes committed by the accused to be the worst in existence."
Munyaneza, a Hutu, was convicted of trying to destroy the Tutsi ethnic group in Butare and the surrounding area.
He was the first defendant to be tried under Canada's 7-year-old War Crimes Act.
Munyaneza was living in Toronto and was arrested in October 2005 after reports that he had been seen circulating in Canada's Rwandan community. At the time, African Rights, a Rwandan group that has documented the genocide, linked Munyaneza to key figures indicted by the U.N. International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.
During his trial, more than 66 witnesses testified in Montreal, and in depositions in Rwanda, France and Kenya, often behind closed doors to protect their identities. Many accused Munyaneza, who was 27 at the time, of being a ground-level leader in a militia group that raped and murdered dozens.
Emmanuel Muhawenimena, who said he lost 70 family members in the genocide, said he was satisfied with the sentence.
"It's very important and sends a strong message to other killers hiding somewhere," he said.
Jean-Paul Nyilinkwaya, a Rwandan who lives in Montreal and whose father was killed in the genocide, said survivors have been looking forward to the sentencing.
"The fact that he was found guilty is a very big boost for the survivors. Everybody there is desperate for justice," he said.
Nyilinkwaya, who was instrumental in Munyaneza's capture in Canada, said the sentence allows victims to believe humanity still exists.
Prosecutor Pascale Ledoux said the sentencing sends a message to the international community.
"It underlies the importance of the fight against inhumanity and the application of law wherever the persons are, she said.
Defense lawyer Richard Perras argued last month that the sentence should be closer to 20 years. He is also appealing the conviction.
Canada denied Munyaneza refugee status in September 2000 and he has since lost several appeals.»
Source: Associated Press
@ http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iWR3Uw8rV4mRfUTRSz0T6odDCiIAD9BKSB280

'U.S. set to pay Taliban members to switch sides'

«There is a well-known saying in Afghanistan: "You can rent an Afghan, but you can't buy him." Some experts on the region believe a U.S. program to pay Taliban fighters to quit the organization is buying temporary loyalty. President Obama on Wednesday signed a $680 billion defense appropriations bill, which will pay for military operations in the 2010 fiscal year. The bill includes a Taliban reintegration provision under the Commander's Emergency Response Program, which is now receiving $1.3 billion. CERP funding also is intended for humanitarian relief and reconstruction projects at commanders' discretion. The buyout idea, according to the Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is to separate local Taliban from their leaders, replicating a program used to neutralize the insurgency against Americans in Iraq. "Afghan leaders and our military say that local Taliban fighters are motivated largely by the need for a job or loyalty to the local leader who pays them and not by ideology or religious zeal," Levin said in a Senate floor speech on September 11. "They believe an effort to attract these fighters to the government's side could succeed, if they are offered security for themselves and their families, and if there is no penalty for previous activity against us." But Nicholas Schmidle, an expert on the Afghanistan-Pakistan region for the non-partisan New America Foundation, said that while the plan has a "reasonable chance for some success," the old Afghan saying will eventually be borne out. "So long as the Americans are keenly aware of this, you're buying a very, very, very temporary allegiance," he said. "If that's the foundation for moving forward, it's a shaky foundation."The bill comes as an uptick in violence claimed the lives of several American troops in Afghanistan over the past few months. In the most recent attack on Tuesday, eight soldiers were killed in what officials are calling a well-coordinated attack in southern Afghanistan involving improvised explosive devices and small-arms fire. CNN Security Analyst Peter Bergen said the idea of paying off Taliban members to quit is nothing new. Iraq "There's been an amnesty program for low-level Taliban in place for many years now and thousands of people have taken advantage of it," he said. "So this is not entirely a new idea. The idea of bribing people, local guys, to come over. ... It's one of the most cost-effective ways to get people to lay down their arms, either to negotiate a peace or coerce them." Levin touted the plan, using the 'Sons of Iraq' plan to drive home his point. "Large numbers of young Iraqis, who had been attacking us switched over to our side and became the 'Sons of Iraq,'" he added. "They were drawn in part by the promise of jobs and amnesty for past attacks, and in part by the recognition that the status quo was creating horrific violence in their own communities. In their own interests and the interests of their nation, they switched sides and became a positive force." But Bergen argues the comparisons are not analogous. "In Iraq, they turned their guns on al Qaeda in Iraq, which was a foreign level organization that was imposing Taliban-style rule. And that didn't go down very well with the local Iraqi Sunnis," he said. But in Afghanistan, "The Taliban is the guy you grew up with. They're not some foreigners who came in and to be part of the jihad. ... The values they [Taliban] have are not far off from what rural Pashtuns have." It's one of the most cost-effective ways to get people to lay down their arms--CNN security analyst Peter Bergen He added that al Qaeda in Iraq made a lot of mistakes - which was instrumental in getting Iraqis to "switch sides and get on the American payroll." The top commander in Afghanistan has backed the plan for the Taliban. "Most of the fighters we see in Afghanistan are Afghans, some with [a] foreign cadre with them," said Gen. Stanley McChrystal in a July 28 Los Angeles Times interview. Most are not ideologically or even politically motivated, he said in the interview. "Most are operating for pay; some are under a commanders charismatic leadership; some are frustrated with local leaders."»
Source: CNN @ 

Pakistan and Afghanistan

Today we all heard, read or saw the news about the car bomb in Pakistan. My question is: why did most o the news reporters focus on Hillary Clinton? Does Hillary Clinton's presence make the attack any different?

Source: Reuters
CNN, for instance, reports: «A massive car bomb tore through the heart of a bustling marketplace in Peshawar, Pakistan, Wednesday, killing at least 100 people -- including many women and children -- and injuring at least 200 others, officials said. A vehicle packed with 150 kilograms (330 pounds) of explosives detonated at the Meena Bazaar, a labyrinth of shops popular with women. The impact destroyed buildings, burying people underneath the rubble, and sparked massive fires in the shops, mosques, and homes. In a year of seemingly endless militant attacks in Pakistan, this was the deadliest. Those who survived described a narrow escape: "I ducked quickly and when I looked up it was complete darkness," said Imdad. "I couldn't see anyone. The cars and the van were lying upside down." Fareed Ullah, a student at a nearby mosque, was injured when he fell from the second floor as he tried to escape a fire ignited by the blast at the Meena Bazaar. "We only saw a red blaze and nothing else," he said from his hospital bed. "My friends and I fell from the second floor. We didn't know where we were." The remote-controlled detonation killed at least 100 people and injured as many as 200 others, hospital and government officials said. The deaths include 68 males and 32 females, including 10 children, the head of the main hospital in Peshawar said. The car bomb left a 10-foot-wide crater, and the flames spread quickly through stores selling highly flammable fabric. Residents and shopkeepers expressed outrage that militants were able to carry out the attack in broad daylight, the latest in a string of militant attacks targeting civilians in Peshawar. "What kind of security alert is this? It was an explosives-packed car," a middle-aged shopkeeper at Meena Bazaar said. "Look at the mosque, it ceases to exist anymore. For God's sake, do something!" (…)» Source: CNN @ http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/10/28/pakistan.blast/index.html
In Afghanistan... 

Source: Reuters
Kabul was  also under attack today…as a result 5 UN foreign staff got killed. In a time where, allegedly, the Obama administration is considering sending more troops, why would the Taliban defy the international forces? 
«Taliban militants killed five U.N. foreign staff in an attack on an international guest-house in Kabul on Wednesday, deepening concerns about security for a presidential election run-off due in 10 days. (…) In another sign of the growing reach of militants, rockets were also fired at a foreign-owned luxury hotel near the presidential palace in the heart of the Afghan capital, forcing more than 100 guests into a bunker, a hotel guest said. (…) The Taliban said they had targeted the guest-house because of the United Nations' role in helping organize the run-off. "We have said that we would attack anyone engaged in the process and today's attack is just a start," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told Reuters by telephone. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in New York that the world body would not be deterred by the attack, which he called a "shocking and shameless act." Nine people were also wounded, the U.N. said.» Source:  Reuters @  http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSSP50491720091028

27 October 2009

"A Europa não pode esquecer"

Falava eu do que me contavam os meus pais…numa conversa surge a lembrança de um texto escrito em Novembro de 2000, intitulado “A Europa não pode esquecer”. Interessante comparar o que se escreveu em 2000 e o que se vive em 2009...
Pergunto: terá a Europa esquecido? 
A Europa não mais teve de enfrentar desafio semelhante... No entanto, fora do palco europeu, onde a responsabilidade europeia não é menor do que fora dela, fez-se sentir a sua impotência. Perante um crime que é "contra a humanidade" não releva o local onde o mesmo é cometido, a responsabilidade é "do mundo".
O genocídio no Darfur e no Ruanda são exemplos de "esquecimento". No que respeita ao Kosovo o "genocídio" ficou-se, graças a um esforço também europeu, pela tentativa, "aqui" fez-se sentir - sob a forma de prevenção - a "lição" da Bósnia. 
Quanto à Bósnia...Karadzic continua por julgar e Mladic por encontrar...Ainda não se fez "justiça". As vítimas (os que morreram e os que ficaram) não estão 'vingadas', porque os que a perverteram não foram julgados. Continua a pairar uma sensação de impunidade para os mais terríveis assassinos. 
Disse, em 2000, Álvaro Vasconcelos «O julgamento de Milosevic será, também, um momento de reflexão para a comunidade internacional sobre as terríveis consequências humanas das suas longas inacção e impotência.» Verdadeiramente não houve julgamento. A "lição da Bósnia" não deverá apenas servir para prevenir o genocídio, também no que respeita ao julgamento dos criminosos de guerra - dos que cometem crimes que afectam a humanidade - a Europa, o Mundo, todos nós, temos de compreender que, citando uma vez mais Álvaro de Vasconcelos (no caso reportando-se ao Médio Oriente), "the clock is ticking"! 
A morte não é pena (punição) - relembre-se que Milosevic morreu antes de tempo... 

Julgar os crimes contra a humanidade cometidos nos Balcãs, mais do que para punir os que os cometeram, serve para fazer justiça – mesmo que póstuma – às vítimas, e mais ainda para impedir que outras haja. Serve para possibilitar a convivência entre as sociedades e os grupos que as formam, para que o “nunca mais” ao nacionalismo extremo, à depuração de qualquer tipo, dentro e para além das fronteiras europeias, seja uma realidade.
Agora que a democracia começa a ganhar raízes na Sérvia e que o novo presidente, com a legitimidade que lhe confere o facto de ter derrotado o ditador Milosevic, já foi recebido de braços abertos pelos 15 chefes de Estado e de Governo europeus, será útil e necessário evocar o passado, exigir o julgamento dos criminosos de guerra? Fará sentido exigir que os Sérvios – que, em delírio nacionalista, apoiaram a limpeza étnica – assumam as suas responsabilidades? Não irá o desejo expresso de justiça prejudicar a transição democrática?
Bem pelo contrário, julgar os crimes contra a humanidade cometidos nos Balcãs é essencial para o futuro da Europa e para a consolidação da democracia na Sérvia. O que está em causa na transição sérvia não é a consolidação do poder de Kustunica, mas pôr termo ao projecto nacionalista extremo que, desencadeado por Milosevic e os seus apoiantes em 1989, com a supressão da autonomia e a imposição da segregação dos Albaneses do Kosovo, iria ser continuado no trágico e sangrento projecto de criação da Grande Sérvia, através da limpeza étnica e do genocídio. Milosevic e a sua política nacional-comunista são responsáveis por mais de 200 000 mortos em nove anos de guerra, por uma política sistemática de terror contra os outros povos da antiga Jugoslávia, nomeadamente os Croatas, os Bósnios e os Albaneses, que foram aos milhares expulsos das suas casas e terras, torturados, executados, pelo simples facto de não serem sérvios nem seguidores da religião ortodoxa. Como se pode esquecer as cidades mártires de Vukovar, na Croácia, cercada e bombardeada durante três meses, ou Sarajevo, cujos habitantes foram durante três anos e meio vítimas dos atentados e dos abuses dos militares e snipers sérvios que controlavam as colinas? Como símbolo terrificante do regresso da barbárie nacionalista na Europa ficará Srebrnica, que, embora sob protecção das Nações Unidas, viu os seus homens serem separados das mulheres e dos filhos e executados a mando do fiel acólito de Milosevic, o general Mladic. Da tragédia ficaram imagens angustiantes, como as dos prisioneiros nos campos de concentração sérvios de Manjaka ou Omarska, das vítimas do mercado de Sarajevo, das valas comuns e dos cemitérios.
Da memória colectiva da Europa não se pode apagar igualmente a deportação maciça dos kosovares e todos os assassinatos, por vezes de famílias inteiras, com o fito de alterar, pela morte e pelo terror, a composição étnica de vastas regiões.
Os crimes cometidos pelo exército e pelas milícias sérvias são crimes contra a humanidade, puníveis pela Convenção das Nações Unidas de 1948, que afirma que são actos de genocídio aqueles que têm como objectivo “destruir, total ou parcialmente, um grupo étnico, social ou religioso”. Por isso, o tribunal internacional para a ex-Jugoslávia inculpou, entre outros, Milosevic, Karadjic, o general Mladic ou o miliciano Arkan por crimes contra a humanidade. O seu julgamento deve ser um momento para que os Sérvios assumam plenamente a dimensão dos crimes cometidos e a quota-parte de responsabilidade que neles tiveram, contaminados então pelo vírus do nacionalismo, feito de interpretações doentias da história e de batalhas com mais de 600 anos, da suposta predisposição dos Sérvios para representarem o destino do mundo ortodoxo, da sua superioridade em relação aos outros povos, mas também de medo em relação aos vizinhos.
A democracia sérvia não poderá consolidar-se plenamente e, ainda menos, Belgrado ser uma capital da União Europeia, se o nacionalismo identitário, o total-nacionalismo de que falava Edgar Morin, não for deslegitimado. Caso contrário, o nacionalismo continuará a germinar e, numa situação de crise, voltará com um herdeiro de Milosevic, ou sob outra forma. Para que isso não aconteça, Milosevic e os outros acusados de crimes contra a humanidade devem ser julgados. Mas será que os novos dirigentes sérvios já o compreenderam? De Belgrado vieram sinais contraditórios, coisa natural em países em revolução ou transição. As declarações de aceitação de um referendo sobre a independência do Montenegro são um corte radical com as posições de Milosevic. Mas não deixa de ser perturbador saber que entre os manifestantes do 5 de Outubro se encontravam, na primeira linha, partidários de Arkan, ou que um dos primeiros actos de Kustunica como presidente eleito foi visitar os Sérvios da Bósnia.
O julgamento de Milosevic será também um momento de reflexão para todos os europeus, portugueses inclusive, sobre o perigo que voltou a cair sobre a Europa democrática, o do nacionalismo identitário, que recusa a diversidade cultural, religiosa, regional e étnica dos Europeus. O delírio da pureza identitária não desapareceu com a queda de Milosevic. Ele continua a manifestar-se na política xenófoba da extrema direita, contra os cidadãos de religiões minoritárias, contra os imigrantes, contra tudo o que não se coaduna com a sua visão fabricada da identidade nacional.
A questão central continua a ser, para os Sérvios como para os demais, assumir a enorme diversidade europeia como uma componente positiva da sua herança histórica e cultural. Kustunica não pode deixar de sobre isto reflectir e tomar partido. Como a mudança em Belgrado é um momento de reflexão para muitos dirigentes políticos europeus e alguns intelectuais que não quiseram ou não foram capazes de compreender o perigo que Milosevic e a sua política representavam, não só para os jovens Estados dos Balcãs, mas para a democracia e a tolerância na Europa e no Mundo. Desta incompreensão ou da falta de convicção democrática ficaram as consequências da impotência da União Europeia, dos Estados Unidos, das Nações Unidas, para proteger da limpeza étnica, primeiro, os Croatas, e em seguida, durante quase quatro anos, os muçulmanos da Bósnia.
Depois veio uma alteração da política europeia e americana e com ela a intervenção da Nato na Bósnia e no Kosovo. Mas também aí continuou a haver quem se recusasse a aceitar a natureza e a gravidade dos crimes que tornaram necessária essa intervenção. O julgamento de Milosevic será, também, um momento de reflexão para a comunidade internacional sobre as terríveis consequências humanas das suas longas inacção e impotência.
Source: IEEI @

'Le procès de Karadzic, accusé de "nettoyage ethnique", reprend en son absence'

Je me souviens très bien, à cause d’un travail que j’ai fait pour l’université, de l’horreur de Srebrenica – qui était désignée alors par l’ONU, rappelons-le, comme un safe haven et qui abritait à ce titre, protégés par les casques bleus le croyait-on, quelques  milliers de civils.  Mon père et ma mère me racontèrent alors, bien avant que ces évènements terribles ne fassent l’objet du rapport et des excuses publiques de l’armée hollandaise, comment les femmes et les hommes ont été séparés, des enfants inclus. Il n’est pas besoin de rappeler ce qu’évoque automatiquement ce triage. D’après mon souvenir, les femmes ont été violées devant leurs familles. Après, ce fût le tour des mâles : hommes et enfants, tous ont été tués jusqu’au dernier.
Et l’ONU?  - j’ai demandé.  Ils ne pouvaient rien faire sans être directment ataqués? Ce n’était pas aussi simple, mais le fait demeure que pleus de sept mille civils ont été mis à mort à Srebrenica sous la ‘protection’ de l’ONU, et que cette tuerie ignoble, préméditée et délibérée, a bien eu lieu, et que ceux qui y ont pris part et qui l’ont ordonnée ne sont pas des ombres.
L’incapacité et l’impuissance des soldats – et même comment ils étaient quasiment pris en otage... – est encore, pour moi, incompréhensible, voire inacceptable. Aujourd’hui, Radovan Karadzic est finalement devant un juge. J’attends impatiemment l’aboutissement du procès.  Et j’espère que sa fin à lui puisse être tout autre que celle de Milosevic.

Source:  Newsweek
«Le procès de l'ex-chef politique des Serbes de Bosnie Radovan Karadzic a repris mardi devant le Tribunal pénal international (TPI) pour l'ex-Yougoslavie, en l'absence de l'accusé, "commandant suprême" du "nettoyage ethnique" en Bosnie, selon le procureur.
"Ce procès est, votre honneur, celui de ce commandant suprême, un homme qui a exploité les forces du nationalisme, de la haine et de la peur pour mettre en oeuvre sa vision d'une Bosnie ethniquement divisée: Radovan Karadzic", a affirmé le procureur Alan Tieger en s'adressant au juge sud-coréen O-Gon Kwon.
Radovan Karadzic, 64 ans, qui se défend seul, n'a pas assisté à la présentation des charges de génocide, crimes contre l'humanité et crimes de guerre commis pendant la guerre de Bosnie (1992-1995) qui pèsent sur lui, boycottant son procès pour la deuxième journée consécutive.
Une nouvelle audience, au cours de laquelle l'accusation devrait achever sa présentation des charges, aura lieu lundi. Les juges décideront ensuite si le procès se poursuit en l'absence de l'accusé, qui plaide non coupable et réclame davantage de temps pour préparer sa défense, ou s'ils lui imposent un avocat.
Radovan Karadzic a procédé à "un nettoyage ethnique dans de larges portions de Bosnie-Herzégovine" au cours de la guerre de Bosnie, qui a fait 100.000 morts et 2,2 millions de déplacés, a affirmé M. Tieger.
"Pendant la conquête du territoire qu'il réclamait pour les Serbes, ses forces ont tué des milliers de Musulmans et de Croates de Bosnie, détenu des milliers d'autres dans des camps sordides et forcé des centaines de milliers d'entre eux à fuir leurs maisons", a poursuivi le magistrat américain.
Il a aussi évoqué la "terreur" de la population de Sarajevo au cours du siège de la capitale qui a fait 10.000 morts et le génocide de Srebrenica, pendant lequel plus de 7.000 hommes et garçons musulmans ont été exécutés en juillet 1995.
"Les forces de Radovan Karadzic ont pris Srebrenica dans un effort pour nettoyer l'une des dernières présences significatives de Musulmans dans l'est de la Bosnie", a souligné M. Tieger.
S'ils déclaraient la Bosnie indépendante de la fédération yougoslave, les Musulmans "disparaîtraient de la surface de la terre", avait menacé M. Karadzic dès 1991, dans un discours dont un extrait a été projeté mardi par l'accusation.
Le magistrat a présenté à l'appui de son argumentation des photos de l'accusé posant avec son alter ego militaire, le général Ratko Mladic, toujours en fuite, ainsi que des extraits de conversations téléphoniques de M. Karadzic.
L'accusé voulait créer "un Etat serbe sur ce qu'il considérait être un territoire historiquement serbe et libéré de ceux qu'il voyait comme ses ennemis", les Musulmans et Croates, qui formaient pourtant plus de 60% de la population bosniaque, a rappelé M. Tieger.
L'accusation doit poursuivre et terminer la présentation des charges lundi. Si l'accusé "persiste dans son refus" et ne se présente pas, le procès peut se poursuivre en son absence ou les juges peuvent lui imposer un avocat, a expliqué le juge O-Gon Kwon.
La chambre décidera de la mesure à prendre après avoir entendu lundi les parties à ce sujet, a-t-il précisé.
M. Karadzic "ne coopérera avec aucun un avocat commis d'office", a affirmé de son côté mardi à l'AFP l'un de ses conseillers juridiques, Marco Sladojevic.
Radovan Karadzic, arrêté en juillet 2008 à Belgrade après treize ans de cavale, doit également répondre de génocide pour des exactions dans les premiers mois de la guerre ainsi que de la prise en otages de 200 observateurs et Casques bleus de l'ONU en mai-juin 1995.»
Source : Agence France Press @ 

'No Euro-Mediterranean community without peace'

An excerpt of ÁLVARO DE VASCONCELOS’ Introduction on the 10 Papers for Barcelona - n°1, September 2009 by Muriel Asseburg, Paul Salem
«This first paper looks at the prospects for Euro-Mediterranean initiatives against the current troubled backdrop of the Middle East, and in particular the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is clear that the long-term objective of creating a Euro-Mediterranean Community will not be fulfilled without a lasting peace being established in the region. The authors put forward a set of proposals on how Europe should contribute to resolving the Middle East crisis – and in particular on how to take advantage of the window of opportunity afforded by the change in American policy that has followed the election of President Obama.»
Source: Institute for Security Studies of the European Union - EUISS - @ http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/10Papers-01.pdf
«Besides warning that the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership launched in 1995 in Barcelona was ‘not intended to replace the other activities and initiatives undertaken in the interests of the peace, stability and development of the region’, its founding members also pledged, at least rhetorically, their support for ‘a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement in the Middle East.’ Almost fifteen years went by, and as chances for peace steadily receded, the Partnership was, as some would put it, ‘upgraded’ to a Union. But, in spite of the huge diplomatic effort that went into it, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) was gripped by deadlock just as it was set to take off, derailed by the events in Gaza in December 2008-January 2009.
It would indeed have been foolish to expect that the Euro-Mediterranean intergovernmental framework, originally predicated on the assumption that the lasting peace all its members vowed to support was within sight, and which thus included all the main actors in Middle East conflicts alongside EU members and hopefuls, could meaningfully add to ongoing bilateral and multilateral efforts to achieve that peace. The reverse assumption – that inter-state cooperation could make up for the absence of peace and thrive in spite of outright war – proved however equally futile.
Today it is plain for everyone to see, however, that meaningful progress in the Euro-Mediterranean multilateral framework depends on unquestionable progress on the peace front, to which the EU must be a fully committed party.
Clearly, the long-term objective of creating a Euro-Mediterranean Community will not be fulfilled without peace being established in the Middle East.
The situation in the Middle East has already changed in that, after long years of neglect by the US administration, Obama’s speech in Cairo in early June made it plain that it is now a priority for the US government to put an end to the Israeli-Arab conflict and to resolve the Palestinian question. This has been a priority for the European Union and the Arab states all along – and above all it should be one for Israel.
The Euro-Mediterranean inter-governmental dialogue, whether branded a ‘partnership’ or a ‘union’, is a means to an end. But it is not the only means at the disposal of Europeans and their neighbours towards the same end.
There is no reason why the EU should sit back and wait; it is time for policy-shaping initiatives to move forward. Notably, there is scope today for a Euro-Arab peace-support initiative.
From Muriel Asseburg and Paul Salem’s thoughtful chapters it is possible to draw a number of policy recommendations with regard to resolving conflict in the Middle East, and Europe’s role to that end. These may be outlined as follows.
Bear in mind that the clock is ticking. If Israeli-Palestinian peace is to be achieved on the basis of a two-state solution, as is nearly universally accepted, then time is of the essence. Either this solution is implemented now or further procrastination may cause the present window of opportunity to vanish entirely. To grasp the opportunity opened by renewed US commitment, it is crucial that both Israel and Hamas cease to undermine the peace efforts.
Other actors in the region and further afield equally need to demonstrate their commitment to peace with an added sense of urgency. Iran, for one, would be well-advised to respond positively to engagement – the sooner the better. »
Source: Institute for Security Studies of the European Union - EUISS - @ http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/10Papers-01.pdf

'Ignored by society, Afghan dancing boys suffer centuries-old tradition'

I think we all know that children are made sex slaves – among other atrocities that are constantly perpetrated –, but, most of the time we choose to ignore it or we don’t even think about it. Living our own lives, focused on our own problems, dealing with our own questions and troubles, we tend to ignore what’s around us – not with malicious motive, but because it’s “natural”.
However, there are people who live their lives struggling for better conditions for others, who dedicate their lives for peace, for the victory of the human rights, for the “common humanity” we’ve been talking about, but what about the others, the ones who do nothing?
I just can’t stop wondering: what if we all did something? Even if just a tiny thing?
With great sadness I read this:

«(…) mimicking the entertainment and sexual appeal of female dancers. (…) focusing on every step in order to please his master and his master's guests.
(…) The boy is but one youth among many throughout the country forced into an age-old underground tradition known as "bacha bazi," or "boy play," in which young boys are taken from their families, made to dance and used as sex slaves by powerful men. (…)
The abuse stays on the backburner of issues in Afghanistan. People are aware of it, but they don't really talk about it. Almost everyone in the country is coping with some level of injustice, and they are just trying to survive.(…)
"It continues because of the culture of impunity and lack of legal provision against this practice," Mahmodi explained.
Farhad,19, and Jamel, 20, are two grown dancers who were forced into "bacha bazi" about five years ago.
Farhad was 13 when his older neighbor tricked him into coming to his home. He was made to watch a sex tape and then raped. After the brutal assault, he was taken to another location where he was locked up and used as a sex slave for five months.
"I got used to him," Farhad said, trying to explain why he stayed with his neighbor after the traumatizing experience.
"He would sometimes take me to parties, and sometimes other places. I was with him all the time," he said.
In Afghan society the victims of rape and assault --- both male and female --- are often persecuted and punished rather than the perpetrator. The shame forces boys like Farhad to continue in leading such lifestyles, even when they have the chance to break away.
(…) "I make them study, dress them, feed them. Any money I make I spend on my family. I don't want them to be like this, be like me," he said, brushing his shoulder length hair away from his eyes, framing his thin oval face.
Farhad and Jamel say their families know what is going on now but are powerless to stop it -- in fact they need the money and income they make.
Both Jamel and Farhad look and act more like women than men, a trait that can be deadly in Afghanistan's male-dominated society. Even the police can't be counted on for protection.
Farhad said that he was taken from a party by four police officers one night and almost gang raped at the station Before their commander walked in and stopped the assault. But then, "He said if I wanted to be set free I should give him my money and my mobile," Farhad said. "I had no real choice, so I gave him my money and mobile."
The boys said they are continuously threatened, beaten and raped by men who attend the parties they dance at; parties fueled by alcohol and drugs.
"We are not happy with this line of work," Jamel said. "We say that it would be better if God could just kill us rather than living like this."»
Source: CNN @

26 October 2009


«Karadzic boycotts start of trial»

Source: CNN
This is possible because? He needs 9 more months to prepare his defence? The ICT doesn't have the means to make him "appear"? Meanwhile the people who survived and all of those who also want 'some' justice to be done have  to wait how many more years? INDIGNATION!!!

«German 'veil martyr trial begins»

Source: BBC News

 Source: AL Jazeera  
A terrible event...her husband was also stabbed when trying to protect his wife and shot because the german police thought he was the murderer! She was pregnant and it is said to have been stabbed at least 16 times.. I wonder how would anyone know...didn't they do anything to stop it? Oh! Her husband did, but, by mistake, he was shot!

«UN wind down Sierra Leone Court»

                                                                        Source: BBC News
"(...)The conflict was characterised by the widespread murder, mutilation and abuse of civilians. (...)."
Source: BBC News @

«A Rio de Janeiro, une police, un comportement criminel»

On se demande, comment est-ce possible? Avec tout ce qu’on voit, est-ce qu’on peut continuer à nous poser cette question? Tout est possible…même quand on parle des gens qui ont la mission de défendre la population, et pas de la voler, ni de laisser les personnes mourir au bord de la route ... .
C’est incroyable, mais pire que possible, c‘est une partie de la realité de nos jours.
«Les caméras de surveillance, qui ont enregistré la scène, révéleront la suite, encore plus grave. Trente secondes après le meurtre, une voiture de police en maraude, avec à son bord le capitaineDenis Leonard Nogueira Bizarro et le caporalMarcos de Oliveira Salles, passe devant le blessé sans lui porter secours.
Un moment plus tard, les policiers appréhendent les deux agresseurs, puis les libèrent après avoir "récupéré" la veste et les chaussures. Ils n'informeront personne de l'assassinat et poursuivront leur patrouille nocturne. Lorsqu'une ambulance arrive, près d'une heure et demie après le crime, la victime est morte depuis longtemps. (…)»
Source: Le Monde @ 

«Homophobic attack on trainee Pc»
The unfair treatment of the homosexuals on the basis of prejudice, leading to the crimes that are perpetrated is incomprehensible at the XXI century!

«James Parkes, 22, a trainee with Merseyside Police, was out with friends when he was attacked leaving a gay bar on Stanley Street on Sunday night.
Four boys from the Kirkdale area, one aged 17, two aged 15 and one 14, have been arrested on suspicion of assault.
About 13 youths are believed to have been involved.
Mr Parkes was leaving Superstar Boudoir, one the city's well-known gay bars, when he was attacked.»
Source: BBC News @

For now and finally something to laugh about... 

«Berlusconi talks: 'I'm liked and loved by all people in politics'»

                                                        Source: CNN
Full story @ 

25 October 2009

Definitely today is not a day for "good" news...at the end of the day a piece of 'good' news from a terrible "war"

«Somalis 'made to view executions'»

"(...) People in Merca said al-Shabaab militia patrolled the town with loudspeakers, demanding they attend the executions.
The militants also ordered schools to close for the day as they were keen for children to watch the two men being shot dead by a firing squad. (...)"
Source: BBC News

«Arrests at holy site in Jerusalem»

«(...) Jivara al-Budairi, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Jerusalem, sai: "Clashes between Palestinians and the Israeli police spread to the Old City neihbourhoods of Bab Hutta, Ban al-Majlis and Aqabat al-Tkiye" (...)»
Source: Al Jazeera @

Source: Reuters

«Feet from suicide blast, student survives»

He survived!!! But can one imagine what he went through? Can one imagine how his life is going to be?
«(...) I saw a man wearing a sky-blue colored suit. Very close. Maybe the distance [was] two feet... but I didn't think is will be a terrorist," Khalid says. "When he pushed the button, right at that time, I saw fire. Very high fire. Very much high fire.(...)»